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Project idea:

Munich NeuroCamp is a public summer school for senior Gymnasium (high school) students from around the world. For two weeks, students are exploring the various fields of Neuroscience research conducted mainly at the Munich Center for Neurosciences – Brain & Mind (MCN). Participants will have the opportunity to conduct own experiments, develop their soft skills and present their own work.

During the first week, students will attend introductory lectures on various topics in neuroscience, from popular fields such as neurobiology, cognition, behaviour and artificial intelligence, to the lesser known, but equally important subjects such as computational neuroscience and neurophilosophy. These lectures will be complemented with practical examples of possible applications. Furthermore, short soft skill courses will be provided, covering a range of skills from reading scientific literature to preparing engaging presentations. At the end of the first week, students will have a broad overview of different disciplines within the field of neuroscience research and will eventually select a mini-research project according to their personal preference and curiosity.

In the second week, students work in small groups on the mini-research project of their choice in one of our partnering laboratories. During this week, they will gain hands-on experience on how research is conducted including literature research, data acquisition and interpretation. On the last day, students will give a short oral presentation and present a poster about their project to their NeuroCamp colleagues. Upon completion of the course, research certificates and awards will be provided to all students.

Please note that the concept of the summer school is still open to alterations depending on third parties input and laboratories support.

Research projects availability depends on the number of laboratories that support this project each year. We encourage current PhD students to be responsible for the project and for the students. This activity will count as teaching experience for which the PhD students can receive a teaching certificate that can be used in their CV or for credits in graduate programs.

Useful information:


  • The students are required to have an understanding/working level of English. The official language of the camp is English and all lectures and practical trainings will be conducted in English.​


  • Students in their final and penultimate year of Gymnasium (High School) from around the world are eligible for applying to Neurocamp.

Participation/Attendance Requirements


  • 20 students are admitted to participate to the camp in person. An additional small number of students (maximum 10) that are accepted to the summer camp, but cannot attend the camp in person, can participate online. 

  • A minimum of 80% attendance during the first week (lectures) and 100% attendance during the second week (practical training) is required for obtaining a participation certificate. 

Fees & Logistics


  • Accomodation and travel expenses are not covered by Neurocamp. Students should cover for the costs of their own accomodation and transportation to and from Munich. Neurocamp can only cover for the local city transports of the students during the two weeks of the camp.

  • There are no attendance fees for the summer camp. A deposit of 100 EUR is required from each attendee that is returned to them after completion of the attendance requirements.

  • Attendees are required to cover for their own (mandatory) liability insurance before the start of the summer camp. The Neurocamp team can help with this process, once a student is accepted to the camp.

  • Neurocamp covers for the students' lunch/breaks and for the social activities that are included in the schedule.

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